About us

The adventure of Barbara & Wilco.

In 1997, Barbara visited Sardinia for the first time. Her father and her family live there.

Barbara: This island was love at first sight for me, with its pristine white sandy beaches and azure Mediterranean Sea. he atmosphere, the culture, the food, and the people of this beautiful island have stolen my heart.

Back then, it was still an undiscovered paradise. I love coming to Sardinia for the past 26 years now. Firstly alone, then with my husband Wilco, and nowadays with my children Aidan and Alicia. My love for Sardinia became our shared love, and we secretly fantasized about having our place here. And not just any house, but this specific house that my father had built himself.’

Wilco & Barbara:‘Our dream has finally come true, but it still feels unreal.al.

We love to invite you to Villa Maillard, hoping to share our love for Sardinia!

"Don't wait for the sun to come to you – book your getaway now and chase the sunshine!"